Technology allows us to simplify our lives in so many ways! Everybody can make a website all by himself; we just need the right tools to build incredible sites. The imagination is the only limit. There are programs on the market wherewith you can work out unbelievable things; you probably have in mind an idea of enriching your site with some Gif images. Images of this type can be animated, which will cause a beautiful "moving sensation" - so these animated images will definitely improve any web site, banner or whatever you need.
Paraben Gif Animator will help you to create your own animated Gifs in just a few minutes from scratch, or from other images. With this application you can edit graphics, texts, etc. It also has features like palette optimization, data compression and color reduction for a smaller file size.
Gif animation is built from frames, and creating enough frames with smooth changes will make a beautiful gif file. Paraben Gif Animator provides a "Drag and Drop" option to build, optimize and adjust your frames easily and fast - just what you need to get a perfect animation for your website.